2009年3月16日 星期一

We Can Work Together to Solve Environmental Problems
Making the shift to more sustainable societies and economies involves building what sociologists call social capital. This involves getting people with different views and values to talk and listen to one another, find common ground based on understanding and trust, and work together to solve environmental and other problems. This means nurturing openness, communication, cooperation, and hope and discouraging close mindedness, polarization, confrontation, and fear.

使轉向更可持續的社會和經濟需要建設一個什麼社會學家呼籲社會資本。這涉及到讓人們有不同的看法和價值觀的 交談,並聽取對方,找到共同點的基礎上了解和信任,共同努力解決環境和其他問題。這意味著培育開放,溝通,合作,並希望和失望的密切意識,兩極分化,對抗 和恐懼。

